Facing the U.S. immigration process can be a frightening experience – but it doesn’t have to be. It can be easy to get overwhelmed by all of the paperwork, document submissions, fees, meetings, examinations and tests. But with an experienced immigration attorney on your side, you can avoid many headaches while moving swiftly through the process.
Everyone’s experience with U.S. immigration is different. You might have heard stories from your friends or coworkers that cover the entire spectrum. One person might have progressed through the process with zero problems or delays while another person might have struggled through a complex process and even had to battle deportation proceedings. For this reason, it is wise to hire a knowledgeable lawyer who can answer your questions and provide the guidance you need.
They know what they’re doing. Even though this might be the first and only time you have to work with the USCIS, an immigration lawyer will work with the government dozens – if not hundreds – of times each year on behalf of their clients. These attorneys have a detailed understanding of the application process, the document requirements and what is needed of you. The attorney can not only answer your questions, but also ensure you are following the right path to get exactly what you need.
Missing deadlines is disastrous. Life can be complex. While you are working to keep your immigration process deadlines straight – you are also working at your job, maintaining a home, being a parent, pursuing an education and simply living your life. Unfortunately, it is easy to lose track of deadlines and submission requirements. Having an attorney who is familiar with the process gives you the best chance possible to proceed swiftly and efficiently.
Protection from mistakes. Since these attorneys have the combination of countless hours of experience, an education specific to your problems and a familiarity with all of the forms and processes you face a lawyer won’t be rattled, frightened or overwhelmed by your situation. As an individual, family or business owner, you will feel stress, concern and worry over your immigrant status. An attorney can handle these matters professionally and efficiently. The lawyer’s knowledge, also, helps them avoid application, submission and deadline mistakes that might derail your entire process. Additionally, a serious mistake or change in the law might initiate removal proceedings. Let an attorney work to protect you.
Don’t hesitate to discuss your case with an immigration attorney. Even if you think you might be able to go through the process on your own, it is wise to at least discuss your situation with an experienced legal professional so you don’t miss anything – a change in the application, a new requirement, even a regional USCIS office that is moving or closing can impact your process. It’s smart to have an experienced person on your side.